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PE and Sport

PE and Sport are a vital part of what we offer at Shrubland Street Primary School, both as part of the curriculum and as additional after school clubs and experiences.

Within school our curriculum PE is led by Miss Lucey. In KS2 PE lessons are taught by Miss Yeldham (Y3/4) and Onside coaching (Y5/6) who specialise in a range of sport, dance and gymnastics.

We are always looking to expand the range of PE and Sport that we offer and give all of our children during their time at Shrubland Street, the experience of representing their school, being part of a team and enjoying exercise.

During lockdown, we ensured that PE was used to give our children a break from a computer screen while still practising those vital skills needed in sport. From Mr Wright’s ‘Winter Olympics’ to our free fit kits supplied to our pupils, Shrubland Street has continued to use PE to promote healthy living and enjoyment.

This year, we have had the pleasure of housing 3 ‘Wellness Ambassadors’ from KS2 that are completing training on how to assist with children’s mental health through sport. Not only is this highly admirable, but also an essential skill during these difficult times.


Sports Events and Competitions

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