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KS1 Residentials

Dunfield House Herefordshire

Children in Years 1 and 2 have the opportunity to spend 3 days and 2 nights at Dunfield house in Herefordshire. During the residential, children visit a small breeds farm and experience creative activities in the great outdoors. These include nature walks, mini beast hunts, den building and outdoor art activities. They also swim in the indoor pool and stay in a wonderful country house. The adventure is all about experiencing the outdoor environment and how we need to preserve and protect it. It is also an opportunity for children to develop resilient and independent behaviours away from school and home. It is so much fun that we extended the visit by a day after feedback from the children... Some wanted to stay 'forever' but we have to draw the line somewhere.

A message from the staff at Dunfield House:

"...our team loved you being here. The children were delightful and their excitement was infectious...There was a beautiful presence here in your love, care, concern for the children, for each other and the experience you offered...A big shout out to everyone and see you next year!"

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